Jiffy Lube Live Seating Chart

The total number of seats at Jiffy Lube Live concert events is about 25,262. This allows for 10,444 people to sit under cover in the fixed reserved seats and 14,818 on the lawn area. Unlike a standard sports stadium, the seats are in a fan-shaped area, divided into different sections.
The closest seats to the stage are in Sections [ORCH] 1, 2 and 3 (named after the orchestra pit). Behind them are Sections 101, 102 and 103. Behind those are Sections 201 to 206, and so on towards the back of the reserved seating area. Seat numbers follow a different logic to standard numbering, with 2 being in the middle and 1 and 3 on the right and left of the stage area.
Jiffy Lube Live seat numbers go from right to left, starting at A1, A101, A201, etc.
So when you’re sitting facing the stage, you’ll find Seat 1 and the lower numbered seats on the far right of your section, and the highest seat numbers on the left.
Seating Areas
Pit seats are reserved in sections numbered 1, 2 and 3. If you purchase Jiffy Lube Live tickets in the Pit, you’ll get the closest possible views of the performers. The rows in these three sections are lettered from A to R, with row A being at the front and row R at the rear. Some artists choose to have a General Admission pit section in front of sections 1-3, which is usually standing room only.
General Admission Lawn
Outside the reserved seating area, general admission applies to the lawn area, where upwards of 15,000 people can sit on the grass. There is no cover here from the elements.
VIP and Club Seats
For some events, you may get VIP tickets, which allow you into the arena through a private VIP entrance. You’ll be sitting in the Club seats, which you’ll find in the front rows (A-C) of Section 102. These cushioned seats offer some of Jiffy Lube Live’s best views of the center of the stage.
VIP Box Seats
These seats are provided on a similar basis to Jiffy Lube Live’s VIP and Club Seats, and are ideal for larger parties. The VIP Boxes occupy the first three rows of Sections 202 and 204, and the first four rows of the central Section 203.
Jiffy Lube Live Best Seats
You’ll get the best views for your favorite shows from the center front of Section 2.
Sections 1 and 3 still offer outstanding seats, but you’ll be angled more towards the sides, and you might find there’s equipment blocking some views of the stage. Also, while the lawn slopes gently upwards, the pit area is mostly level, so that if you’re sitting further back, your view may be obscured by those in front of you.
Seats in Sections 102 and 303 also provide center front views of the stage, though from a bit further away. As with Sections 1-3, the design fans out to the sides, giving a more angled view. However, there aren’t really any “bad” seats at Jiffy Lube Live.
The huge video screens provide you with an up close and personal view of the performance, and the high quality sound system allows you to hear everything clearly.
For some concerts, the layout and specific seat locations can be different, according to the artists’ requirements, and may vary without notice. Jiffy Lube Live festivals, rallies and other events may also not follow this seating plan.